(+63) 977 815 1979

(+63) 977 815 1979


A.M.I Pro Team
Are available for bookings, They are Professional, Proficient and capable of handling any event.
If you are interested in having an event handled by the A.M.I Pro Team
Contact A.M.I Here for further details.

The After care program isn't part of the A.M.I Makeup courses or mandatory for students, It’s simply designed to give students real life experiences in real time! whether their on a Photoshoot, dealing directly with clients or a wedding with Marjorie, A.M.I has the confidence in their students ability to get the job done.

As a mother of 3 with a passion for makeup artistry Marjorie was left frustrated by the lack of support given by her peers, in the early days as an artist she gained experience completing draining x deals companies love you to perform. Although X deals are an important part of building your profile we must not forget as artists we need to make money! Marjorie has introduced an ongoing after care program for her students with the right attitude that have completed the advanced level courses.
A.M.I helps students gain experience and confidence in there abilities by positioning them in suitable working environments when available, and regularly recommends her students to paying clients!

‘A successful career begins with the right foundations and the first steps, the journey in the middle is where you become a true professional‘